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7 Ways to Spice Up Your Event Registration

Make your registration process more efficient and an overall better experience with these best practices.

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There's nothing like the excitement of finally seeing an event come together, especially one that you have been planning for months. Keep energy high from the get-go by setting the tone at check-in! Use these ideas to speed up the process and get guests in the door faster.

1. Set up satellite registration tables
Instead of having event registration in one location, try setting up several tables in various locations. For instance, create a hub at your host hotel to give attendees access to early check-in. Guests will love having the option to check in early and get settled in.

2. Work with your host hotel to hand-deliver registration packets
Have hotel staff members hand registration packets directly to attendees at check-in, or shake things up by having them delivered directly to attendees' rooms prior to the event. Giving guests their event badges, lanyards and event materials early is a sure-fire way to shorten check-in lines.

3. Decrease touchpoints by mailing registration materials to participants' homes or offices
Instead of using self-serve registration kiosks, try delivering event essentials to participants via mail prior to the event. Your participants will take note of the thought, effort and creativity you put into creating a curated packet just for them. You can even include a surprise gift to add a personal touch to the ensemble.

4. Utilize QR codes and digital ticketing to speed up check-in lines with a simple scan
Say goodbye to unnecessary paper waste! Online event registration software and digital ticketing allows you to email a confirmation number, unique ID or individual QR code to participants and simplify registration with a click of a button. Guests also won't need to worry about losing a printed ticket before they arrive.

5. Create multiple lines with clear signage to thin out crowds
Use signage, pull-up banners and branded table covers to help guests navigate your event. Indicate how registration lines are broken out (e.g., by first name, last name, company name, etc.) 

6. Put space between check-in lines and badge pick-up areas
Instead of giving participants their badges and lanyards the moment they sign in, direct them to a different area to pick up these essentials. By placing these items away from check-in, you will create a "conveyor belt" that naturally guides people away from forming dense crowds.

7. Provide a literature display, badge ribbon wall or gift table
Use a literature display to distribute event schedules, maps and other pertinent information quickly and efficiently. Then, set up a rotating badge ribbon display in a different spot to give attendees an exciting "destination" to visit. Lastly, create a promotional giveaway table to let guests assemble their own gift bags.

Don't settle for boring check-in lines! There are countless ways to make event registration fun, engaging and efficient for everyone involved. Visit to find everything you need to create an unforgettable experience.