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This Historic Washington, D.C. Hotel Celebrated 100 Years with 100 Influential Women Inspiring Change

Co-hosted with Glamour, this Hamilton Hotel event highlighted maternal health, policy changemakers, and the property's centennial milestone.

Inside a 'Glamorous' Evening at Hamilton Hotel
On Oct. 11, Hamilton Hotel co-hosted a soiree in its signature event space, The Schuyler, with Glamour magazine to celebrate maternal health, policy changemakers, and the hotel's 100th anniversary.
Photo: Daniel Swartz

WASHINGTON, D.C.—You could say that the Hamilton Hotel's kickoff event for its 100th-anniversary celebrations—in collaboration with media brand Glamour—was, well, glamorous. On Oct. 11, the historic Washington, D.C., property co-hosted a soiree in its signature event space, The Schuyler, with Glamour magazine to celebrate maternal health, policy changemakers, and the hotel's centennial milestone. 

The exclusive to-do, with 100 prominent D.C. visionaries in attendance, focused on the national conversation of passing federal paid leave into law while showcasing the intimate details of early postpartum life. Glamour editor-in-chief, Samantha Barry, and model and founder of Every Mother Counts, Christy Turlington Burns, took the stage for an enlightening conversation. Burns revealed a sneak peek of her next Giving Birth in America documentary, showcasing the issues of maternal health of women giving birth in America.

The pre-dinner discussion also tackled topics ranging from maternal mortality rates and rampant racial inequities among women of color seeking maternal health care in the U.S.

Inside a 'Glamorous' Evening at Hamilton HotelGlamour editor-in-chief, Samantha Barry, and model and founder of Every Mother Counts, Christy Turlington Burns, took the stage for an enlightening conversation.Photo: Daniel Swartz

"As a husband and father of three daughters, a brother to three sisters, I was moved by the clip for the upcoming documentary," said Joe Palminteri, Hamilton Hotel's regional director of food and beverage. "Postpartum effects on women and the ever-present challenges of being a working mom are very personal to me. I’m encouraged to see women with platforms to inspire change, doing just that. These topics are still very taboo in many social circles and intra-family dynamics. They’re not talked about nearly enough, and to have Christy and Sam bring it to light in front of 100 highly influential women is wonderfully inspiring."

The atmosphere surrounding the event included two long tables taking up nearly the full length of the venue, while the decor and color palette were inspired by elements of the hotel's history.

Inside a 'Glamorous' Evening at Hamilton HotelCenterpieces comprised ethereal candles and blossoming pastel florals provided by House of Flowers D.C.Photo: Daniel Swartz

Inside a 'Glamorous' Evening at Hamilton HotelEach place setting included a calla lily garnish from House of Flowers D.C.Photo: Daniel Swartz"In the spirit of celebrating the Hamilton’s 100th anniversary, we harkened back to the hotel’s roots where The Purple Tree Lounge was a fixture and socializing hot spot back in the '50s and '60s," Palminteri said. "Our host venue, The Schuyler, was designed in perpetuity to be a clean and sophisticated canvas, with soft pale woods, grays, ivory, and white. The event married lavenders and soft stone grays, bringing the history of the hotel into its newest sister venue. Marrying the past and today’s aesthetic with that complements the Glamour brand."

The lighting system was meant to create an intimate, moody dining experience—with lavender uplighting to complement the ceiling lighting and pillars wrapped in soft white light. "Spotlight from the ceiling hang points, on the long dramatic tables, highlighted all the wonderful details on the tabletops and our guests," Palminteri said.   

Inside a 'Glamorous' Evening at Hamilton HotelTwo elegant dining tables took up nearly the whole length of the event space. To create a moody dining experience, lavender uplighting that complemented the ceiling lighting was paired with pillars wrapped in soft white light. Spotlight from the ceiling hang points, on the long dramatic tables, highlighted the details on the tabletops and the guests.Photo: Daniel Swartz

Hamilton's executive chef, Colin Clark, and The Schuyler's executive chef, Trevor Snee, executed all of the food. Dishes included a honey squash velouté and a truffle risotto. "The care that goes into the food on our property is clearly reflected in the dish," Palminteri said. "Executing risotto for 100-plus people is no small task, and it was done with the highest level of execution in flavor and texture." A dessert display was created by Cake-Wich Craft D.C. Inside a 'Glamorous' Evening at Hamilton HotelA dessert display was created by Cake-Wich Craft D.C.Photo: Daniel Swartz

The biggest challenge? Palminteri revealed it's "never easy getting all these wonderfully inspiring leaders in one room for one night. People traveled from different parts of the country to be part of this event. The result is reflective of Bryan Barbieri—[SVP of public relations and partnerships for EOS Hospitality, which owns Hamilton Hotel]—and [PR agency] Le CollectiveM's tireless work and ability to garner and nurture these amazing relationships [that] make these special gatherings possible."

The guest list featured a majority of woman-identifying attendees—a stark contrast to the 100 influential men who celebrated the hotel's opening 100 years ago. Along with Barry and Burns, esteemed guests included President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden’s daughter Ashley Biden, founder of the Me Too movement Tarana Burke, CNN political correspondent and weekend anchor Abby Phillip, New York Magazine political reporter Olivia Nuzzi, and Michelle Obama’s communications director Crystal Carson.

Inside a 'Glamorous' Evening at Hamilton HotelFrom left to right: publicist Mercy Chikowore, CNN's Abby Phillips, and former White House Social Secretary Deesha Dyer snap a selfie before dinner at the event.Photo: Daniel Swartz

Palminteri counts the event's greatest success as being able to "showcase the team’s talent and ability to execute events at the highest of levels, competing with any events venue in DC." He added that "giving these incredible women the platform to spread the word about the challenges women face every day related to childbirth and re-acclimating into the world was truly an honor."

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