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Stand out or stay unseen—showcase your excellence in the 12th Annual EEAs.

2023 BizBash 40 Under 40: Juliet Tripp

Juliet Tripp, 32, is the CEO and a coach at Juliet Tripp | The Events Coach.

2023 BizBash 40 Under 40: Juliet Tripp

Juliet Tripp, 32, is the CEO and a coach at Juliet Tripp | The Events Coach®. She’s based in England.

What my day-to-day looks like:
Every day is different, which is super exciting. Having very recently taken the leap into running my business full time, I am navigating the power of planning my weeks in a really aligned way. I'm an early bird, so the mornings usually start with an espresso and a workout (I love Barry's Bootcamp and Peloton!) before some mindset work—goal setting, meditation, and reviewing my plan for the day ahead.

I work with coaching clients globally, but have aligned my diary well with time zones. A typical day could include one-on-one coaching sessions, creating content for my community, and mapping out strategic plans for the growth of my business this year.I also love to travel for speaking engagements, as well as attending industry and personal development events, so that gives my diary a shake up. I'm so grateful to be able to take my work wherever I go.

My career journey: 
I've worked in the wonderful world of events for just over a decade. I “fell” into the industry—as many of us do—with a part-time role while I was at university in London. My first day was an 18-hour shift at one of the city's biggest event venues. I fell in love then and haven't looked back!

Through navigating different roles in the industry—from venue and corporate event management to international conferences, managing teams, and scaling to senior leadership positions in both corporate and agency events businesses—I have had some incredible opportunities to travel the world, run events, work on strategic projects, and mentor others within my teams.

A few years ago, I started my coaching business (then, it was a side hustle) to support event profs in realizing and achieving their potential. Throughout the past three years, I've scaled this alongside my personal brand, and at the end of 2022, made the decision to take the leap and go solo. I still pinch myself every day that I get to empower events, businesses, and leaders to go out and achieve their goals, and I'm so proud of myself for getting to this point!

My leadership style:
The perfect storm of empathy and energy. I'm here to hold space for a team to be themselves, feel supported, and be inspired—but I always bring the good vibes and the energy. I always want to empower those around me to realize their potential and feel that their goals are there for them to achieve.

My most memorable event:
The most memorable event for me is actually one where I was a delegate. In 2019, I traveled from London to Los Angeles alone to attend my first international personal development conference, The Girlboss Rally. It was a huge stretch for me at the time—in confidence, financially, and time wise (I did the 11.5 hour flight for literally just the weekend!), but it was a goal I'd set, and I was determined to make it happen.

I didn't just walk away from that event inspired by the incredible keynotes and networking, but it truly changed everything for me. I realized how possible it was for me to achieve my goals and support others to do the same, and how possible it was to create my career on my terms. It was a pivotal moment, and my drive and ambition has been even stronger since! Paris Hilton was also a keynote speaker, which was also pretty cool and memorable!

A time I averted a complete event disaster:
I remember the day so clearly. I was flying from London to Washington, D.C. in March 2020 to manage an international conference. All week we'd been navigating the uncertainties of this '”new” virus—and everything just came to a head that morning, with the phone ringing nonstop, speakers canceling on me, and delegates panicking.

I remember bringing the team together, briefing them on what we could do, switching speakers to livestream as quickly as I could without even realizing how integrated it'd soon be in our work, and then having the biggest glass of wine, switching my phone on airplane mode, and boarding the flight for my last nine hours of peace in quite some time!2023 BizBash 40 Under 40: Juliet TrippTripp describes herself as "the perfect storm of empathy and energy." She continued: "I'm here to hold space for a team to be themselves, feel supported, and be inspired—but I always bring the good vibes and the energy."Photo: Courtesy of Juliet Tripp

The advice I would give my younger self:
Say yes to opportunities. Say yes before you feel ready. Don't be afraid to go after your goals and back yourself 100% because this industry is the greatest in the world. It will challenge you, it will grow you, it will test you, but it will give you experiences, memories, and friends for a lifetime. 

My ideal day OOO:
If I'm home, it's definitely chilling—walking my two mini sausage dogs in the park, getting coffee, and learning, either from my coaches or by reading a personal development book. If I'm traveling, I am always guilty of booking my accommodation closest to the bougiest workout classes so I can start my day that way, exploring new places (also always getting coffee!), and making the most of what's around me.

What’s next for me:
I have just launched The Events Coach® podcast, which is super exciting! I have some powerful leader-level masterminds launching for event leaders and business owners this year, and I'll be continuing my mission with more drive and focus than ever—to empower event professionals to realize their potential, escape burnout, find their own version of high performance, and achieve their goals.

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BizBash's 2023 40 Under 40 list is sponsored by VDA, a Massachusetts-based experiential marketing and event design agency that specializes in custom live, hybrid, and virtual experiences designed to drive business growth through client collaboration and creative thinking.