This week's roundup includes a flash mob during the Super Mario Odyssey launch event in New York, Bumble's branded networking lounge at the Fast Company Innovation Festival in New York, a rainbow Smirnoff ice bar at the Human Rights Campaign National Dinner in Washington, and a coral reef-inspired display at the International Interior Design Association's Color Invasion in New York.
'Super Mario Odyssey' Launch Event for Nintendo Switch
Photo: Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images for Nintendo of America
I.I.D.A. Color Invasion
Photo: Taylor McIntyre/BizBash
Moe’s Southwest Grill’s "Tour de Burrito"
Photo: Courtesy of Moe's Southwest Grill
Moe’s Southwest Grill’s "Tour de Burrito"
Photo: Courtesy of Moe's Southwest Grill
Human Rights Campaign National Dinner
Photo: FotoBriceno
Human Rights Campaign National Dinner
Photo: FotoBriceno
Photo: Daniel Cole
Photo: Daniel Cole
Fast Company Innovation Festival
Photo: Will Ragozzino
Fast Company Innovation Festival
Photo: Will Ragozzino